❛ Those who are often in my life... For better or worse. ❜ ((WIP))
☄︎ Blood Relation | ♥ Partner | ♡ Former Partner | ◉ FWB | ◎ Former FWB
◆ Friend | ◇ Former Friend | ♣ Coworker | ♧ Former Coworker
△ Acquaintance | ✠ Enemy | ⊗ Deceased
ღ Loved | ★ Trusted | ☆ Friendly | ⊡ Neutral | ♠ Wary | ♤ Hated

P'sahji'to Bajhiri
An alchemist and healer with a bleeding heart and a thirst for all things magical - forbidden or otherwise.
Crystal - Mateus
The younger in a set of twins and blessed with a strong talent for aetherial manipulation, Sahji'to was born under a different name and with a huge responsibility placed upon his shoulders. His late mother saw him as a divine gift from Menphina, and when he didn't live up to her lofty expectations, he was cast out along with his twin sister. He's spent years feeling like a fish out of water, and all he's ever wanted is a normal life... Or something close to it. Then again, what is normal, anyway?
❛ The only thing I want to do in life is help others. ❜
carrd template by cassiaslair.
he / him ONLY
Crystal Datacenter
Hello, I am Alex! Thank you for taking the time to read this.Don't be shy! Feel free to message me on my tumblr/twitter (links below!), send asks and dms, whatever you like. I'm extremely anxious and most likely more afraid of you than you are of me.
— one
I am 18+ (actually over 30!) and prefer to rp with others who are also over 18. Because of some of the mature themes I write with, it is most likely a no to any rp partners under 18
— two
IC =/= OOC. Always. If there's an issue please talk to me about it. If I'm uncomfortable with something I will talk to you about it. I am an adult and I expect my rp partners to also behave like adults
— three
I can do in-game or Discord rp. My Discord handle is available upon request. If you find me ingame, please send a /tell first. I can get distracted, forget what I'm doing, and not even realize I still have the game up. I don't want to be rude!!
— four
I am down for mature, dark, violent, any other 18+ themes in rp. HOWEVER, my hard NO'S are: Noncon/dubcon/rape, suicide/self harm, pedophilia/ddlg/cgl
— five
Yes, I even rp smut, but I prefer to get to know my rp partners ooc before I do
— six
I am very lenient on lore and some aspects of Sahji'to's background and hooks range from slightly bending it to snapping it into pieces! If that bothers you, I am willing to work something out if you're still interested in rping with him
❛ Tell you about myself? Where do I start? ❜

☑ Remember that you can't save everyone.

☑ Remember that you have to try.

❛ I try to put the same amount of kindness into the world that I want to get back. I don't always get the same amount, but it's still worth it to try. ❜

— basics

Race | Clan Miqo'te | Keeper of the moon
Pronouns he / him
Nicknames Sah, Sahji, Sah'to, Ji'to, Fluff, Little One, Little Cloud, Pretty Flower, Duckling, Marshmallow, Mashed Popoto, Little Voidling, Cowardly Slut (some of these he doesn't mind, others he will kill you for)
Nameday | Age 25th Sun of the Fifth Astral Moon (09/24) | ~29
Guardian Menphina
Height 5'5"
Gender | Sexuality Trans male | Pansexual
Origin | Residence | Affiliation Coerthas | Cieldalaes Islands/Empyreum | Stillglade Fane/Alchemist's Guild
Hair | Eyes | Skin White with dark ends | Lilac | Ashen
Notable Features Black clan tattoos, teardrop markings on forehead and nose. Old claw scar over right eye. Deep bite scar on right shoulder. Always wears a blue lily earring with tiny bells and a crystal on the left ear.
— details
Marital Status married/polyamorous/open
D&D Alignment chaotic good
MBTI INFP [Mediator]
Likes plants, animals, sweets, plushes, gifting, listening to music, reading, physical contact, climbing, shows of physical strength
Dislikes bitter foods, vegetables, unnecessary pain, teasing, cruelty, hot weather, deep water, conflict
Strengths intelligent, aetherially talented, eager to please, kind, attentive
Flaws shy, impulsive, stubborn, avoidant, forgetful, slightly oblivious
Personality On the surface, Sahji is a sweet, kind, and loving person who's dedicated himself to offering a helping hand. As a healer and an alchemist there's nothing he loves more than improving others' lives. He is polite in conversation as well as interactions with the general public, and certainly gives the air of someone with a lot of knowledge about medicine, to those requesting his healing!He can be a bit jittery and anxious in crowds of strangers, and at times will overthink or worry himself into a rut. He's easily startled, a bit jumpy, and in times of conflict would usually rather run or hide than fight. There are exceptions, of course, but they are rare. He is almost never angry, and when upset, tends to cry more than anything else.He does have a bit of a nasty habit of avoiding things that make him uncomfortable... But perhaps if he does it long enough, he won't need to worry about it anymore! (Author's note: He will.)
— backstory
P'sahji'to was born under a different name to a particularly spiritual branch of the Bajhiri tribe that resided mostly in the northern reaches of Coerthas. After the calamity, the tribe began to migrate around the area, eventually settling in Dravania and striking up a deal with the Dravanians to trade and coexist. His mother was the tribe's leader, and known as The Oracle. Their tribe's Oracles were trained from an early age in many different forms of divination in order to discern what the tribe should do, from their crops to their settlements to their hunting and most other aspects of life. All members of the tribe were taught to speak Dravanian from an early age, due to their alliance with the dragons of Anyx Trine.Sahji'to, the younger in a set of twins, was seen as an immense boon to the Matriarch and her tribe. Naturally blessed with a strong talent for magic, he was regarded as the foretold successor to the tribe's Matriarch, and during his early life and training was treated as if he were perfect, the tribe's 'savior' and their greatest hope. Whatever he desired was handed to him without argument, any conflicts involving him were resolved by his mother or sisters, and he was barely made to even lift a finger in caring for the tribe as a whole. He never learned the survival and hunting skills that the other members of the tribe did, and grew to rely upon his twin for protection, guidance, and company. Being set on a pedestal as he was by his mother hindered his social skills, but also made him wonder if he truly fit into the space his mother wanted to cram him in. As he grew and began to mature, it would turn out that the answer was 'no'.Shortly after the Calamity, his coming-of-age ceremony was held. In this ceremony he and his twin were to receive their clan-marks, in white, as they were the Matriarch's successors. While his twin accepted hers with grace, he did not. He decided that he would take his life into his own hands, after suffering through years of growing into the wrong body and wrong role. He made his clan-marks in black, also fitting of a successor... a male successor.And a male Keeper of the Moon cannot become the Oracle of the clan.Seeing the 'incorrect' markings upon Sahji's face incited a deep rage in his mother, one that she had never felt before. All of her training, her plans, her preparations had turned to ash in an instant. The fury overwhelmed her, and as she held his 'ruined' face in her hands, her claws dug in to his flesh. If his twin hadn't come to his rescue when she did, he would have lost his eye. After repelling her and giving her a matching slice over her eye, his sister made good their escape, and together they fled south for their lives. Traveling through Coerthas to the Black Shroud, they made their new residence in the Carline Canopy of Gridania. At the young age of fifteen, the twins would learn to survive alone in the world, each others' presence the only sense of stability they'd have for a long time.Over the years, P'sahji'to would train under Stillglade Fane and learn alchemy within the Alchemist's Guild of Ul'dah. Inspired by the healers of his old home, he wished to learn how best to help and soothe other people around him. As he studied, a strange stone he'd found during his escape awakened to him, granting him even greater control over his healing and aetherial manipulation. While he had almost anything he could want, he still wished for a home that... wasn't an inn room.While walking through neighborhoods after work and dreaming of the kind of home he wanted to have, he chanced upon a family's garden in the Mists, unable to resist the desire to admire and tend to it. It had been too long since he had cared for any sort of plants. The garden's caretaker, a towering Xaela named Jacques, caught him after the third or fourth visit, but instead of being angry, he invited him into the yard once more to help. The two bonded through gardening, and eventually spent more and more time together...The rest is history.
— recently...
Things are... Pretty calm, from Sahji's perspective! Sure, he's slipped up and made a few mistakes, but things will be alright in the end! Surely!Well... Truthfully, he's putting off dealing with a few things. And said things are starting to affect him a little more heavily. He seems strangely ill, from an unknown sickness, but if you asked him about it, he'd insist he was fine! Just fine, and dealing with things fine as well, thank you very much!Honestly, having wards put on him by a recent acquaintance and dabbling with somewhat dangerous experiments in the home of another acquaintance probably don't really count as 'dealing with it'. He's still avoiding the root of the problem, refusing to acknowledge its existence.He's been hanging out in a lounge in the Brume recently, every Wednesday night, digging through the owner's library and enjoying the house's drinks. Speaking with the owner on his ideas for that clinic he's always wanted to run has given him even more thoughts about what to put in it, and the main hurdle continues to be the lack of a building. His hopes are high, and he's making new friends, to boot!
— hooks
— Tell Me What Ails You
As a conjurer of Stillglade Fane and a seasoned Alchemist, P'sahji'to's specialty is healing wounds, soothing pain, and curing illnesses of all kinds. He's always happy to lend a helping hand, and can be easily found in either Gridania or Ul'dah; simply ask around for a Keeper of the Moon with ashen skin and hair of snow. He's also working to open his own clinic, with the main hurdle currently being the purchase of a building to operate from.
— Researcher of Magic
P'sahji'to has a deep interest in all schools of magic, devouring any tomes he can get his grubby little hands on. Sometimes this thirst for knowledge sends him to dangerous places, or lands him in hot water with 'forbidden' techniques. Not that he would practice any of it... Or so he says.
— Mysteriously Ill
At times, P'sahji'to can exhibit some... strange symptoms: fatigue, dizziness, and a particularly gross wet cough, just to name a few. He insists he's alright, but now and then, anyone with eyes can see that something has wrought havoc upon his body. He's certainly aware that time isn't exactly on his side in this aspect, but getting him to admit he might need help is about as easy as pulling hen's teeth.
— Forgotten and Forbidden
Though he's not open about it at all, there is a stronger, deeper power within him - the power of White Magic. As one of Gridania's rare White Mages (and even rarer non-Padjal ones) he has a greater grasp over the healing arts than many other Conjurers. He is often called upon when simple Conjury does not suffice. Now and then, Stillglade requests his help with tasks not suited for the typical adventurer, but lately he hasn't been able to answer any of those calls...
— An Odd Feeling
To those sensitive to aetheric fluctuations, P'sahji'to feels... strange. There might be something a bit off about him, though if asked, he claims it is because of his greater aether reserve. That natural talent for magic didn't come from thin air! It's a bit difficult to suss out what exactly is going on, as most who attempt to open their senses to his aether are only able to detect an outer 'layer'. Normally, people don't have 'layers' of aether. (( send a /tell if you'd like to pursue this, or if your character would notice! ))
— Out of the Frying Pan
He's fairly open about his status as an exile of his clan, but considering the circumstances of said exile, he's certainly not in the clear. While his mother is no longer searching for him (since she's DEAD), the rest of the clan at large might be feeling a little resentful toward the Keeper for taking his mother's life.
— family
Sebha Bajhiri

☄︎ | ⊗ | ◆
Mother. "It's... complicated. I'm sad that she's gone, but also... relieved? I knew that she loved me... Until she didn't, anymore."
Lhu'a Nelhah

☄︎ | ღ | ★
Father. "I feel like I should visit more often, but he's also one of Tailfeather's hunters, so he'd probably be busy... Either way, I miss him."

☄︎ | ღ | ★
Older Sister. "She's not around often, and I worry about her all the time. I know she can take care of herself, I just miss her! She must be lonely. I'll have to visit again sometime."
Sebha'a Bajhiri

☄︎ | ღ | ★
Older Brother. "I miss him too! He's my father's hunting partner in Tailfeather. I hope they're keeping each other on their toes."

☄︎ | ღ | ★
Twin Sister. "We've been through so much together. I'm truly grateful that she's always been by my side. I always kind of wished I could be more like her. Y'know, stronger... Less impulsive..."
Jacques Cresent

♥ | ღ | ★
Husband. "My very first love, and one of the loves of my life. I would do anything for him. His smile is one of my most treasured memories, and it delights me every time it shows."
P'shali Talechaser

♥ | ღ | ★
Husband. "My second love, and one of the loves of my life. He does so much for all of us, and is so kind. I could not ask for a more loving, kind, devoted husband."

♥ | ⚷ | ღ | ★
Partner. "He has seen the deepest, darkest parts of me. He has faced the fire and poison that was my past and he has not fled my side. I love him, heart and soul. Hopefully, soon, I can call him my third husband. He is like my home away from home."
— beloved

♥ | ღ | ★
Partner. "My third love, and one of the loves of my life. They aren't around often as they adore wandering the world, and I pray for their safety daily. Their stories are always the most interesting."
Toshinaku Bajhiri

♥ | ♧ | ღ | ★
Partner. "He's been to the seven hells and back. If I have any say in it, it won't be happening again. I'll do everything in my power to make sure that he finds the happiness and peace he deserves."

♥ | ღ | ★
Partner. "We started as strictly business acquaintances... But I suppose, for once, someone other than myself caught feelings first. I am very glad I decided to try trusting him. With all that was going on in my life at the time... He became a welcome and refreshing source of peace. Here's hoping I can help provide him a little bit of peace as well, in the coming days."

♥ | ღ | ★
Partner. "She is... so, so sweet. And so, so naive. She's an outlier... I think she awakened something protective within me. I don't regret taking a chance with her, either. I'm also glad she's so forgiving and patient. I'm sure if it were anyone else running that pastry shop, I'd be in prison for theft."
Qatun Noykin

◆ | ღ | ★
Best Friend. "Thinking back on it, some of my closest relationships started in very odd ways. Qatun and I met through being set up for a blind date. Though we weren't romantically compatible, we're still constantly in contact. She's helped me through some tough times, given me advice, and been there for me when no one else could."
— friends
Gin'iro Niji

◆ | ★
Friend. "Lei's twin brother! He's very sweet and we have a lot of the same interests. I am a little bit scared of ever making him angry, though, and I've definitely disappointed him more than once. Hopefully he forgives me?..."
Elynni Crow

◆ | ★
Friend. "She's a recent friend, but proven trustworthy from the start. Together we're trying to help Stefan with some problems he 'inherited,' for lack of a better word. She's been helping me a little, as well. It's through her that I started learning more about dreamwalking and shielding. She's good at coming up with prank ideas, too! Also an amazing cook and loves sweets just like me!"
Destiney Koellian

◆ | ★
Friend. "Stefan's twin sister! I know a lot of twins, apparently... She's super sweet as well, and she and I are currently conspiring together to get Stefan to be more healthy. We both know he doesn't eat or sleep enough! She's a wonderful mother and healer as well, someone I look up to in those respects."
Aryn Lockwood

△ | ☆
'Friend-of-a-Friend'. "Aryn's also a recent friend, and also proven trustworthy - I just don't know him all that well! He flirts and dances and... he's very pretty... He's also a wonderful healer. I'd love to spend a little more time with him, just casually talking and hanging out."
Uulii Kagon

♧ | ☆
'Girlfriend's Partner'. "Kaede's girlfriend, and my former boss! She's pretty nice, outwardly at least - we didn't have any disagreements and we still meet up now and then at Kaede's to gossip and have tea together. She's really into aetherial theory, and... I've accidentally gotten her talking more than once. Overall I think she's pretty nice!"
J'serin Tia

◎ | ☆
Friend. "He's very sweet to me as well... We hang out with Stefan a lot, together, and I feel pretty comfortable with him. It's... gotten a bit messy recently, but in the present we can still remain friends. He seems a little bit... lonely, these days."
Noxx Nymphloret

♣ | ☆
Co-Worker. "Noxx and I ended up having a lot in common, surprisingly...! And now, we work together at the same place. They've helped me out a lot with some of my, ahem, 'health issues', and they have the most adorable companion...! They don't show much emotion but I think they're very nice."
Nyr Bajhiri

◆ | ☆
Clan-Mate. "Crow's older brother... They've both been through quite a lot. It's nice to see him with a little bit of peace of his own, even if he's raising twins in it. We have lovely visits quite often! He's very pleasant and we could talk for bells."
Siannault Tavard

◆ | ★
Friend. "We met through more business, but he's become very near and dear to me. We have tea and food together very often! I'm very glad that I've been able to keep visiting him, and very happy to have met him and become his friend, even... if that meant being kidnapped one day for tea by his husband. I can forgive that, honestly, it turned out alright in the end."
Jaxon Tavard

◉ | ☆
Friend. "Siannault introduced me to his son, Jaxon, very recently - and I feel like we hit it off pretty well. He's sweet and kind, I think he picked a lot of that up from his father... As well as his looks. Hah. He feels like someone I could talk to easily, and for bells. I felt the same way about Siannault too, though, so perhaps that's something he also inherited?"
Ronove Vilauclaire

△ | ☆
'Boyfriend's Pact-Mate'. "We definitely didn't start off on the right foot, but... As time goes on and I learn more about him, I've started to worry and care for him a little bit, as well. Every now and then we have tea, we talk a little bit, but he's pretty closed off... Not that I blame him. He and Stefan are tangled up together, and hopefully we can reach a solution to their mess that benefits everyone involved."
March Sauvont

◆ | ★
Friend. "We met in really trying circumstances, but since then we've managed to remain friends. He's... very tired, and he's definitely been through a lot - but seems to focus more on me than himself... I'm sure he knows that's not exactly healthy, but I wish I could help him instead of him always trying to help me."
Sanagi Satou

△ | ★
'Friend-of-a-Friend'. "Sanagi is someone that I met through Qatun first, and later Stefan. Funny how different people can be interconnected, huh? She's very sweet, and also a wonderful healer. I'd like to get to know her better, maybe when she's not so busy running her giant business??"
— 'others'
Shodraxz Rhave

◆ | ღ | ★
'Patron'. "I... wasn't sure what to think of him, at first. I'm honestly glad things have calmed down over the past few years. I'm glad he's been watching my back. My life would surely be worse if he wasn't there to intervene."
V'nahn Tia

◉ | ♧ | ☆
Friend. "... He's been to the seven hells and back, too. If you asked him I'm sure he'd say he came out worse for it. He's still adjusting... I'm glad he got a second chance. I just hope that he can find closure soon."
Grimm Porcelain

△ | ♠
Uncertain... "From what I understand, they were trapped within Amdapor for a very long time. Their entire being is heavily tainted with Light. I've never seen anything like it until I met them. They've... promised to devour me, should I fully Turn. Part of me fears that, and yet..."
Cannus Ash

△ | ♠
Uncertain... "He too is very Light-tainted, but not so much as Grimm. However, he's been much more antagonistic towards myself and those I am close to. He is at least not opposed to negotiation and compromise. Would that we had met under better circumstances...

??? | ♧ | ♠
'Cousin'. "I still can't quite fully describe our relationship. Crow and I... We're both Bajhiri, we've both been at each others' throats before, we've both tried to support each other as well. I have him to thank for having Stefan, of course... He's also my tarot tutor and... Was? A coworker. Every time I think we are close friends and care about each other, something... happens, that disappoints me time and time again. I'm not sure how much more I can take."
Frey Underbridge

△ | ♠
Uncertain... "I... have wished to be their friend. They're close to Crow, so I've always wanted to at least be cordial with them. However, despite my best efforts, I seem to fail every time. I shouldn't assume things about them, I know, but I can't help but think that they'd rather I not be around at all."
J'takra Tia

△ | ♠
Uncertain... "He kind of forced himself into my life, really, and I don't know why. Honestly, I kind of wish he hadn't. He's another one I've wanted to befriend, because he's close to Crow, but... Ha. Now I'd rather not. I think it'd be best if we each pretended the other didn't exist at all."
(more coming soon)
"... Alright, I'll tell you. But you must promise to take these secrets to your grave..."
— the serpent and the dead forest
P'sahji'to currently has an accidental 'pact' with a pair of voidsent, one elder and one younger. Since the 'pact' formed by accident, it was never properly established, nor does it have terms - thus, Sahji currently suffers from a dangerous imbalance in his aether, leaning overwhelmingly towards astral darkness and void.The 'elder' 'voidsent' in the pact is known as Shodraxz, the Dead Forest. As his name implies, his main 'body' takes the form of several acres of land and dead trees. Travelers that wander into it tend to never return; the souls of those travelers either linger in the vicinity or are formed into strange 'creatures' that belong to the Forest's boughs. A lucky chosen few that Shodraxz has taken a liking to are reborn in their old bodies, but with very different abilities and physiology - the closest thing describing their new bodies are 'wicker men' or 'leafmen'. Recently, Shodraxz has formed his own 'avatar' of sorts, a more humanoid body to better assist in matters where he is needed. Shodraxz is a shadowy observer in most aspects of life, and through the 'pact' with Sahji, can observe events through the Keeper's own senses.The 'younger' voidsent in the pact is named Toshinaku, and takes the form of a gargantuan naga/lamia. He also has a more humanoid form, and will often take to it when leaving their shared home - in said form, he appears to be a Raen with shimmering ivory scales. Toshinaku was, in the distant past, another Keeper from the same tribe as Sahji (but different branches in differing locations) who was manipulated into sacrificing his family to bind Shodraxz to the shard. The ritual changed him forever, and though he remembers his past self and life before he became Toshinaku, he will only take his Keeper form when feeling particularly vulnerable or weak.

❛ I got in over my head and got myself hurt, trying to help a friend of mine. I fell ill afterward, and my friend ended up having to be the one to save me, instead. But as a result, I'm... ❜

The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,

And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.
— bonds of the soul
Sahji's 'pact' with the two voidsent was formed one fateful night when, after being lured toward the Forest weeks beforehand, Shodraxz tried to claim his body and soul for himself. Toshinaku directly interfered in this, drawing the ire of Shodraxz and instigating a violent battle that eventually led to an explosion... as well as a merging. The three beings' souls were bound together in that moment, and in the aftermath, Sahji became one of the Forest's beloved.It took Sahji years to fully acclimate to the bonds between himself and the other two entities. Before he finally regained a sense of himself, the three personalities would often clash and merge together. The excess of aether deeply affected Sahji's body as well, drastically changing his physical appearance. As a result, in present day, he wears a very strong glamour so as not to arouse suspicion or alarm in the general public. Though he's mentally doing much better than he was when the three bond-mates were at odds, Sahji suffers from debilitating physical health issues due to his aether imbalance and the 'slapshod' nature of his bond.Through his connection, Sahji is able to borrow from the two entities, as well. By channeling their void aether, he can physically modify his body as well as defend himself from attackers with 'natural' weapons. However, the more he does this, the more imbalanced his aether becomes...Sometimes the two entities can take control of Sahji's body - it's rare in present day as they don't like doing so, and it makes his physical condition worse - when this happens, the most telling detail as to who is 'in control' is eye color.